The Struggle of Writing...

All writers struggle from time to time. At least I hope I’m not the only one. I think that writers and their characters are like husbands and wives. Each has a point of view and sometimes those views can clash and cause discord, but we have to find a way to work through our differences.

I’ve had an idea for a story in my head for a few weeks not. Usually, I can formulate the plot and figure out how the scenes need to play themselves out to complete the story. Lately my characters have been changing the plot each time I sit to work on the plot.

My female lead told me that she was an assassin. I laughed. In this story that I’m telling she can not be an assassin. The male lead tells me he’s not a bad guy, but he has to be for the story to work. I continued to struggle over this for more than a week and haven’t gotten anything done. I tried to compromise with my characters, but we have decided to disagree with one another.

We’ve effectively stopped speaking to each other, but I know the minute I begin to work on another project, they will start talking to me again and I will have to tell them to shut up until I am ready to work out our problems.


Book Review: The Virgin and the Beast by Stasia Black


Distinguishing yourself ...