Taking control of your eBook business
Taking control of your eBook business is a scary idea, but it is one that I am willing to undertake. Don’t get me wrong, Amazon has helped and will continue to help me find new readers, but their cut is killing my wallet.
writer's Block
Is writer’s block real? Many writers will tell you that it is. Many will say to you that it is not. All writers struggle to develop new ideas or have trouble with proceeding on a writing project, but does that make it a blockage? I went through a year and a half long episode of not writing, and I don’t believe I had writer’s block. For me, it was just a time that I didn’t care about writing enough to sit down and write. I had plenty of ideas, and when I wanted to write, I did that very thing.
You can’t simply make a post like the image above and expect people to be interested enough to go to your product page and click the buy button. Imagine watching a show and the advertisement for a product comes on and all they say is buy this or that. It would be boring and ineffectual.
Writing as a hobby or a career
I’m sure that many of the authors we cherish have started with a goal in mind. For most, it would be to become a best-selling author.
Support From Friends and Family
When I decided to pursue writing as a profession, I expected to have my friends and family's full support.
Self-Publishing Success and Failure: It's up to you.
Many new writers believe that they can write a book and put it out there, and it's going to become a best seller. It probably won't. The key to success is knowing that it only comes with hard work. There is no such thing as an easy payday. Yes, you can write the book and sit back and wait to collect passive income while you go off and shop for that new drop-top or house on the hill. The only problem is that unless you market your book, no one will know that it exists.
Explicit Language
To cuss or not to cuss, is the question. This is a question that can only be answered by the writer.
What I’ve learned in 3 years of self-publishing
I’ve been publishing my own writing since July of 2017, and I have learned a lot in the three years since I began. Self-publishing isn’t for everyone.
2020 What a year!
It is finally December. If you are like me, you can’t wait to put 2020 in the review mirror of your life.
Hobby or Business-Creative Writing
For the most part, writing has been a hobby. It wasn’t until 2017 that I jumped into the world of self-publishing and put my first book out for the world to read. It did better than I ever expected and I went whole hog into trying to establish myself as a self-published author. I wrote more books as I read everything I could find about how to become a six-figure author.
Romance and BDSM
Darker than Fifty Shades of Grey, a BDSM relationship between an interracial couple.